Thursday, December 18, 2008

the news

well here a bit of a update

roger has the computers

i made my necklace :)

staveley is sooooo close

christmas is closer

and on boxing day im going 2 hamilton


shezz better pack lol

ummm wat else

its hoildays so been up at dawn, just havent slept :P

wat else
guess dats it

oh my dog ate chocolate and had 2 have induced vomitting, shes ok now tho

thinking dats it
ciao 4 now


Monday, December 8, 2008

thought this may amuse some (cough reinhold cough)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


actually it might not be three




my smooth talk and wheeling and dealing got me 3 computer for the bh-scouts

they r waiting 4 me


now 2 get andrew 2 help pick them up, i have no clue wat condition they r in but if they were total junk i woudnt be gettin them